WP Perspectives – Dec. 1, 2021

diversity hands

Focus on Facts

* The new Omicron variant has not yet been identified in the US. Public health recommendations for stopping the spread of COVID-19 will work for all variants. COVID-19 vaccination remains the most important tool to protect people from SARS-CoV-2 and its variants.
We know that breakthrough infections, while uncommon, can spread the virus. A growing body of research indicates that vaccinated people are less likely than unvaccinated people to infect those around them.


* Will I or my child get myocarditis or pericarditis from receiving an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine? You're actually more likely to get heart inflammation if you are unvaccinated and get sick with COVID-19. Heart inflammation from COVID-19 tends to be worse than the rare cases of heart inflammation that some people have had after vaccination.

*Find a testing site near you: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/protect-yourself/covid-19-testing/covid-19-testing-sites/


* You cannot unvaccinate yourself. Some anti-vaxxers are suggesting that people who felt they were forced to get vaccinated can remove the vaccine through chemical baths or with syringes or by other means. Once the vaccine is administered, it goes to work immediately. Trying to remove it from your body can be dangerous.

News You Can Use

Meet Your Community Health Workers.

Lucas Tuning was intrigued by a job where no two days are alike. He really wanted to make a difference in the community. Tuning is one of three Community Health Workers working in Franklin County to provide accurate, timely information about COVID vaccines. While only on the job a short while, he has been visiting small businesses, community events and reaching out to individuals to tell them about the importance of the vaccine.

Tuning is a graduate of Franklin County High School and the University of Maryland, College Park. He served in the U.S. Army from 1978-98. He and his wife, Carol, live in Rocky Mount.

Using $1.5 million in funding to encourage vaccination in the communities it serves, the WPHD is contracting with United Way agencies in Roanoke and Martinsville for the hiring, training and management of Community Health Workers. Community Health Worker’s (CHWs) are like social workers with a focus on health. They remove barriers to care, educate the public about the importance of vaccines, and make important connections with other community services.

To request Lucas Tuning visit your church, business or civic organization, please contact him: lucas@uwrv.org


Where did the name "COVID-19" come from?

The name is an odd sort of acronym, insofar as it is formed from portions of two distinct words (COronaVIrus & Disease) and the latter portion of a date (the 19 from 2019). COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019. - Merriam-Webster

What does the word "corona" in coronavirus mean? The word corona means crown and refers to the appearance that coronaviruses get from the spike proteins sticking out of them. - CDC

Just for Fun

Can humans contract the coronavirus from animals?
Answer correctly to win a 2022 Wellness Wall Calendar from West Piedmont Health District and STEP, Inc.! Email your answer to: kris.landrum@vdh.virginia.gov

Answer to the Nov. 15 question: On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such designation since declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009.

The Epi-Center

Epidemiology is the science at center of public health.

The Transmission Level for West Piedmont Health District remains High, with the latest 7-day average positivity level from all tests (PCR, antigen, and antibody) at 13.8% (as of  11/27/21). This compares with  7.1% for all Virginia Department of Health districts combined.


Franklin County
Henry County
Patrick County






cumulative total as of 11/30/21


International Key Metrics

● Global case numbers are reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) in their Weekly
Epidemiological updates.

●As of 29 November 2021, a total of 7,772,799,316 vaccine doses have been administered.


As of November 30, 2021:

Globally: Cases: 261,435,768 Deaths: 5,207,634

Africa: Cases: 6,271,056; Deaths: 152,807
Americas: Cases: 96,776,888; Deaths: 2,348,344
    This includes the United States: Cases: 47,945,945;  Deaths: 773,083
Eastern Mediterranean: Cases: 16,777,948; Deaths: 309,568
Europe: Cases: 86,830,404; Deaths: 1,548,143
South-East Asia: Cases: 44,557,428; Deaths: 706,895
Western Pacific: Cases: 10,221,280; Deaths: 141,864