VISION – All children are in a safe and healthy family.
MISSION: To advocate for and ensure that all caregivers and professionals have access to quality parent education, information services and support necessary to raise healthy families.
Introducing the VSPEC Parent Education Toolkit
Virginia Parent Education Coalition Toolkit
The Parent Education Referral Toolkit is designed for judges, court services staff, guardians ad litem, commonwealth attorneys, probation officers, local departments of social services, and others who refer families to parent education programs. The toolkit’s purpose is to enhance understanding of the variations in the types and levels of parent education programs available and to assist in making appropriate referrals based on the best fit between the needs of families and the focus and design of the program.
The toolkit defines three levels of parenting education and describes the population served and the recommended expertise of the educators providing the service. VSPEC wants to ensure you refer families to the right level.
Download or view the above toolkit, which features the following topics:
- Overview of Parent Education
- Characteristics of Effective Parent Education Programs
- Risk and Protective Factors
- Trauma-Informed Care
To request additional information or to provide feedback on the toolkit, please contact:
Learn More at VSPEC