Virginia Cancer Registry Dashboard

  • The Virginia Cancer Registry Dashboard

_____________________________Virginia Cancer Registry’s Updated and Improved Facilities Dashboard!____________________

The Virginia Cancer Registry (VCR) has made major revisions to the Virginia Reporting Facility Dashboard! Online dashboards that include interactive graphs, tables and charts have become commonplace for public health agencies and organizations in recent years. With interactive visual elements, data visualization tools are better able to provide an accessible interpretation of patterns and trends.


The new and improved web-based reporting dashboard visually organizes key data such as reporting facility location, facility type, cancer case reporting method, facility-to-population ratios and much more! Another bonus is having the ability to locate Commission on Cancer accredited hospital programs at your fingertips.Incorporated into the dashboard is an interactive layered facility map. The facility map allows users to hover over various geographic locations within the state to locate and visualize where cancer reporting hospitals, clinics, labs, and physicians’ offices are located.The VCR reporting facility dashboard also keeps its reporting community, and the public updated with important information such as new reporting facilities in Virginia and the type of cancer reporting that they are engaged in with VCR.


Over time, the maps will display a visual representation of the increase or decrease in cancer reporting facilities, in the various areas of health districts and counties within the state. As facility data is compiled, the maps will provide important information such as new facilities, facility name changes, closures, and relocations, which can be the result of mergers and acquisitions and/or facility expansion/contraction, or other regional factors. It will also tell us where VCR needs to focus its efforts to increase reporting activity, which will in-turn provide more evenly distributed case surveillance across the state, helping to provide a more accurate representation of the cancer burden in Virginia.



“Intelligence is not the ability to store information, but to know where to find it.”  - Albert Einstein

You can visit the VCR Facilities Dashboard via the weblink below:

Virginia Cancer Registry Facilities Dashboard


Last Updated: July 25, 2024