A. Cancer Summary Data Request
The Cancer Data homepage contains the most recent incidence and mortality reports. In case you could not find the information, you are looking for in those reports, please submit a Cancer Summary Data Request Form.
Note: Please scroll down to check the option Virginia Cancer Registry under Section A after you click the request form.
If you have already started your form and want to come back to complete it, please enter your code here.
B. Cancer Data Linkage Request (Including Record Level Data)
Please submit the following documents to process:
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval: If the request is from Virtual Pool Registry (VPR), Please email us (see contact information below) the CIRB approval copy. Non-VPR requestors, please submit VDH IRB Form and email us approval.
- Data Sharing Agreement (DSA): Please download the VDH DSA Form and email the completed form to us.
- Payment Proof: Please see Article II 7a of the Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) form for the costs associated with the request. The Virginia Cancer Registry (VCR) will generate an invoice once the DSA form is signed and approved. Requestors are required to email the proof of payment to VCR.
Once approval is received from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) along with the signed DSA form, VCR epidemiologist will work on getting the commissioner’s approval before cancer data is released. (Allow at least three weeks for the turnaround.) According to code of Virginia, the Commissioner has sole authority to authorize releasing Virginia Cancer Registry data that can identify individual cases.
Cancer Data Contact information:
Shuhui Wang: shuhui.wang@vdh.virginia.gov
Sravani Yakkanti: sravani.yakkanti@vdh.virginia.gov