Guidance & Regulation Updates

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VIPTA members track guidance and regulation updates to create a one-stop-shop for users.  The updates include source documents that guide infection prevention and control practices for public health staff and clinical and non-clinical healthcare personnel.

The date of the regulation or guidance update is included in each post.  Please check linked content to be sure it is the most up to date and recommended practice.


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H5N1 Bird Flu: Current Situation Summary (5/24/2024)
Any Practice Setting
Emergency Preparedness & Operations
H5 bird flu is widespread in wild birds worldwide and is causing outbreaks in poultry and U.S. dairy cows with two cases of H5 in U.S. dairy workers. While the current public health risk is low, CDC is watching the situation carefully and working with states to monitor people with animal exposures. CDC is using its flu surveillance systems to monitor for H5N1 activity in people.
Health Advisory: Meningococcal Disease Cases Linked to Travel to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA): Ensure Pilgrims are Current on Meningococcal Vaccination (5/20/2024)
Acute Care Hospital
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Care
Department of Health
Mobile Clinic
Pediatric / NICU
Emergency Preparedness & Operations
Since April 2024, 12 cases of meningococcal disease linked to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) travel for Umrah have been reported to national public health agencies in multiple countries including the United States (U.S.). Healthcare providers in the U.S. should: Recommend quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccination for people considering travel to KSA to perform Hajj or Umah (pilgrims) in addition to routine meningococcal vaccination for adolescents and other people at increased meningococcal disease risk. Maintain a heightened index of suspicion for meningococcal disease. Immediately notify the local health department about suspected or confirmed cases of meningococcal disease. Consider postexposure prophylaxis.
VDH: Reporting Adverse Events in Children Following Exposure to THC and CBD Containing Products (4/24/2024)
Acute Care Hospital
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Care
Department of Health
Pediatric / NICU
VDH: Increase in Meningococcal Disease: Ongoing Statewide Outbreak and Local Detections of a Separate Antibiotic Resistant Strain (4/11/2024)
Any Practice Setting
Department of Health
Emergency Preparedness & Operations
Outbreak Investigation
Mpox waste management guidance updated (4/5/2024)
Acute Care Hospital
Department of Health
Emergency Preparedness & Operations
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Nursing Homes (QSO-24-08-NH) (3/20/2024)
Nursing Home / Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP)