Sickle Cell Data Collection (SCDC) Newborn Screening Data

Since 1989, screening for sickle cell disease (SCD) has occurred on every newborn born in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The following data presents information about the demographic and geographic makeup of SCD births in Virginia.



Confirmed cases:
CLIA-certified laboratory results of SCD reported by a state newborn screening program with confirmatory testing

Probable cases:
CLIA-certified laboratory result of SCD reported by a state newborn screening program without report of confirmatory testing

Hgb Results:
There are over 600 known hemoglobin variants. People who have SCD have inherited two abnormal hemoglobin genes, with the presence of at least one sickle hemoglobin “S” gene. In the United States, the three most common types of SCD are hemoglobin SS disease (FS), hemoglobin sickle-c disease (FSC), and sickle beta thalassemia (FSA).  The methodology used by the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS), Newborn Screening Laboratory specifically detects hemoglobins A, S, C, D, E, F and Bart’s. If hemoglobins other than those specified are detected, they are reported as “V” for variants. V is not a type of hemoglobin, it is a collective term used to group those rare hemoglobin types that our screening could not identify.

Information is self-reported by family at the time of birth.

Data for 2011 are partial and do not reflect the full calendar year

There are 582 confirmed cases. Three confirmed cases were assigned as “unknown” due to
missing information.

An asterisk denotes suppression where counts are less than five.