School Health

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) partners with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to promote the health of school-age children in Virginia. Together, we work to improve school health programs across the state. Our goal is to ensure all schools have a safe and healthy learning environment.​
Our main focus is on health promotion and disease prevention. We provide guidance to school administrators, school nurses, teachers, and other staff. Our goal is to help create, maintain, and review comprehensive school health programs.
VDH and VDOE partner by:​​
  • Supporting families enrolling their children in school. (Enrollment Forms
  • Creating school health guidelines for establishing or enhancing a school health program.​​
  • Developing training and education opportunities for school health personnel.​​
  • Consulting and provide technical help to school health professionals.​​
  • Providing school health needs assessments to health professionals.​​