Alleghany Highlands Situation Update

3.5.25 Action Update: An ongoing wider investigation of elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels by the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts (RCAHD) is an evolving situation. The original carbon monoxide exposure investigation at Covington Middle School was closed on 2.1.25.

As of 3.4.25, RCAHD has received approximately 150 reports relating to elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels in the Covington/ Alleghany area since the initial Covington Middle School event on 1.31.25.

The Virginia Department of Health continues to work with local healthcare providers, including laboratory managers, Blue Ridge Poison Control (BRPC), the state toxicologist, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and others to systematically investigate possible factors related to the recent cluster of reports.

  • The investigation is likely to take several weeks. Ongoing activities include:
    • A preliminary investigation pertaining to lab quality assurance.
    • Individual case investigations to determine other potential sources for carbon monoxide in the community. Patient privacy will continue to be protected.
    • Regular discussions with BRPC, DEQ and others to better understand this evolving situation.
    • Working with community partners to encourage residents to survey their personal living space to eliminate any sources of carbon monoxide and install carbon monoxide detectors in their residences.

Individuals with slightly elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels do not need additional treatment unless their healthcare provider advises otherwise. Residents who have specific concerns should consult their healthcare providers for tailored treatment recommendations.

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