RHHD Blog: Well Read


Public Health and March Madness 

The NCAA’s Final Four weekend is here, which means Richmonders get to partake in some of our favorite things: meeting up with friends at local bars and restaurants to watch excellent basketball and reminiscing about VCU’s own Final Four run in 2011. RHHD Environmental Health Specialist Ed Nixon has a lot of experience with both.... Continue reading

It’s Public Health Week!

It’s National Public Health Week, and RHHD is ready to celebrate! Every day, we’re spotlighting staff who show up across Richmond and Henrico to make our communities healthier, more equitable places to live.  Now’s a great time to make sure you’re following us on social media so that you don’t miss any of the faces or... Continue reading

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“If you can breathe, you can get TB”: RHHD takes on tuberculosis 

Sunday, March 24, is World TB Day. On World TB Day, public health workers commit to educating our communities about tuberculosis, an airborne bacterial infection that can lead to serious disease and death if it goes untreated. At RHHD, we have a TB team committed to education and care! The team includes Public Health Nurses Rosalie Bieda and Kenneth Brown and Outreach... Continue reading

Thank a social worker today! 

March has been officially recognized as National Social Work Month by the White House. In March, we celebrate the valuable skills social workers bring to our communities, and we consider the social challenges—things like increasing mental health needs and substance use—that make our social workers more vital than ever. Margo Webb, RHHD’s Director of Community Programs, is a social... Continue reading

Active RHHD! 

On Friday, Mar. 1, Senior Health Educator Charles Lee and Employee Health Nurse Shannon Campbell attended Sportsbackers’ Active RVA Awards Breakfast at the University of Richmond. The program recognizes workplaces and schools “implementing innovative programs to promote physical activity.” The award recognizes Charles and Shannon’s efforts to make sure RHHD incorporates regular activity and well-being into daily... Continue reading

weekly new hospital admissions of patients with COVID-19, influenza, and RSV

CDC updates respiratory virus guidance, Part Two: Show me the science!  

If you’re someone who likes understanding the why behind updated guidance, CDC has issued an explainer for its changes to respiratory virus recommendations. The agency released a long background document that explains the decision-making behind the updated guidance. It walks readers through the data that experts consulted. RHHD’s Data Team found this graph, shared as part of... Continue reading

Severe Weather Awareness Week 

March and April are traditionally the most active months for tornadoes in Virginia, and the National Weather Service is encouraging everyone to make some basic preparations ahead of the season. Their Severe Weather Awareness Week runs from March 4–8 and mixes a little education with some recommendations. We’ll be sharing updates from their content throughout the week (follow... Continue reading

Farm-to-table: Meet Natasha Crawford   

Many RHHD employees are committed to health and well-being in their personal lives as well as their professional ones. That’s true for Enivronmental Health Tech Specialist Natasha Crawford. Natasha is the founder of Healing Hope Urban Gardens, which was recently featured in MarketMaker. Natasha’s journey to agriculture and farm ownership was a long one, but her passion for the project... Continue reading

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CPR instruction comes to RHHD!      

What do Aretha Franklin’s “Respect,” Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance,” and Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams” all have in common? Their tempos are all within the 100-120 beats per minute that help you keep track of CPR compressions! These songs were all on the playlist greeting RHHD employees as they attended the American Heart Association’s (AHA) Basic Life Support training in February.... Continue reading