Celebrating Community Health Workers 

Last Updated: September 4, 2024

Friday, August 30, marks the end of National Community Health Worker (CHW) Awareness Week, but RHHD’s CHWs are still moving forward!

If you’re lucky enough to know or learn from a CHW, you realize quickly that their focus is on the people around them. CHWs are slow to highlight their own accomplishments but quick to praise their coworkers. In celebration of this exciting week, CHW Seniors Patrice Shelton and Elham Khairi, along with CHW Supervisors Qadira Stewart and Camille McCray, share some of what makes their teams so special:

  • At Southwood Resource Center, Yovaldi Lamoutt has partnered with Waymakers Foundation and Casa de Salud to connect multiple families with healthy foods and services.
  • Quawneisha Peoples and Tanya Simms hosted back-to-school events that helped almost 400 community members get ready for the school year with new supplies.
  • Keandra Holloway has helped community members access mental health services and find resources to learn about home ownership.
  • Ethan Satterwhite makes new clients feel welcome at Mosby Resource Center.
  • Stephanie Carrington hosted an education session on cancer, chronic diseases, and diabetes. With the help of former students, she walked more than 60 people through disease management resources.
  • Charelle Carr organized Henrico East’s big anniversary bash and is getting car seat classes ready to go for new parents in her community.

Thank you to all RHHD’s CHWs, who bring public health to the public every single day! If you’re interested in community health work, check out the RHHD job posting for two more members of this extraordinary team.

CHWs, support staff, and RHHD friends turned out to all kinds of events this summer!