What is . . . Prepardy!  

Last Updated: September 4, 2024

September is National Preparedness Month. It’s a time to plan for severe weather and disasters. If we each take small steps over the course of the month, we can prepare ourselves and our loved ones for a wide range of emergencies.

It can be scary to think about some of the disasters we might face in our communities. For RHHD’s Medical Reserve Corps, though, the actual preparation process can be fun! That’s why they created Prepardy, a Jeopardy-themed board game that asks residents to answer questions about emergency readiness.

This week, MRC Coordinator Alyssa Lewis and Assistant Coordinator Cindy Yadav share a few of their favorite Prepardy clues. Remember to answer in the form of a question!

  1. In the event of a power outage, food in the refrigerator should be safe as long as power is not out longer than THIS.
  2. THIS organization is a national network of medical and non-medical volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities.
  3. You should have at least one of THESE in your house and one in your car.
  4. THESE important members of your family need their own emergency plan and kit, too!
  5. In your emergency storage, each person should have one gallon of THIS per day for drinking and cleaning.
  6. In THIS 1997 film, a volcanologist arrives at a countryside town and discovers that the long-dormant volcano may wake up at any moment.
  7. THIS is the official government website for emergency preparedness information.

Talk about the answers to these questions with your family and loved ones. This week, try choosing one recommendation from Alyssa and Cindy’s list to complete, and keep an eye out all month long for RHHD preparedness advice!


Answers: 1. What is 4 hours; 2. What is the Medical Reserve Corps; 3. What is an emergency kit; 4. What are your pets; 5. What is water; 6. What is Dante’s Peak; 7. What is ready.gov.