Last Updated: September 30, 2024
It’s Rabies Awareness Week, and the number one thing we can do to prevent the spread of this dangerous illness is making sure our furriest roommates are vaccinated!
Rabies vaccines for mammal pets are critical, both for your pet’s health and for your own well-being. RHHD Epidemiologist Louise Lockett Gordon says that if an unvaccinated pet is exposed to a suspected or confirmed rabid animal, the pet may need to be euthanized or put on strict isolation away from any direct contact for months. “Imagine staring at your fur baby every day for four months and not being able to pet them!” she says.
RHHD staff share some of the reasons they vaccinate their four-legged pals below.
Henrico County’s next Rabies Clinic is October 19 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Vaccinations only cost $20 cash and all are welcome!
Louise vaccinates Khadijah and Costanza so they don’t ever miss a day enjoying long walks and cuddles.
Executive Secretary Senior Nermina Tihic relies on Duke as her Starbucks and Chik-fil-A buddy; Duke’s vaccinated to protect their pup cup and waffle fries hangouts!
Community Engagement Specialist Delaney Savedge vaccinates Millie “because I want her to be safe throughout all of our adventures!”
Maria Maldonado, Community Health Worker, vaccinates Joy Oreo because she wants to protect Joy, other animals, and the humans around them! |