RHHD Celebrates National Community Health Worker Awareness Week August 26 – 30 

Last Updated: August 29, 2024

RICHMOND, VA — This week, the Richmond and Henrico Health Districts (RHHD) are celebrating the first National Community Health Workers Awareness Week (NCHWAW). The week is designed to highlight the roles and impact that Community Health Workers (CHW) have on our community.


“Community Health Workers act as a bridge to healthcare resources, social services, and mental health care in communities where access is not always guaranteed,” said Qadira Stewart, community health worker supervisor. “Community Health Workers know that health is not just what we know, it’s also about providing resources like clothing, food, diapers, and educational programming, which have deep impacts on a person’s health and well-being.”


Throughout Richmond and Henrico, RHHD CHWs also facilitate access to other services which include:
  • clinical services
  • family planning services
  • chronic disease screening
  • cervical and annual breast exams
  • Medicaid and Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) referrals
  • referrals to support groups
  • economic resources
  • parenting education


CHWs also work closely with food access partners like Shalom Farms and Waymakers and with in-house mental health services partners, including Richmond Behavioral Health Authority and Jewish Family Services. The partnerships create easier access for residents seeking assistance.


The CHW team is also equipped to help refugees and others, new to the US. To request RHHD Outreach presence at a community event, please fill out this form.


For more information on how RHHD is celebrating NCHWAW look for daily updates on social media and on Well Read, the RHHD blog, at rhhd.gov/blog.
For more information on NCHWAW, please visit nachw.org/nchwaw.


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Richmond and Henrico Health Districts (RHHD) are sister public health agencies serving our connected communities. Our mission is to protect health, champion equity, and partner to address local needs.


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