Spotlight on… the CHA! 

Last Updated: July 31, 2024

by Haasita Akkala

RHHD’s 2024 Community Health Assessment survey is still going strong! This anonymous survey for residents tries to answer big questions: What’s helping our neighborhoods stay healthy and well? Which communities need more resources to solve harder problems?

Hi! My name is Haasita Akkala and I am working with Jasmine Carmichael on RHHD’s Community Health Assessment Team as part of VDH’s Internship Academy. I am a rising fourth-year student at Case Western Reserve University, majoring in Biology with an interest in public health. As a pre-medicine student, I have strived to learn what “health” truly entails both in and out of the clinical setting, and this internship gave me the perfect opportunity to do so! Having grown up in Henrico County myself, this has been especially meaningful as I was able to give back to my own community while learning about public health and collaborating with people who directly impact it.

This summer, my main project was the 2024 Community Health Assessment (CHA). It is a comprehensive assessment designed to gather both quantitative and qualitative data from residents and community partners about how RHHD can best support their health. My role included interpreting and analyzing data we collected, as well as creating informative visuals to share back with our residents. Outreach was one of my favorite parts of the internship because I was able to personally engage with community members and hear their stories. Though we all live in the same health district, each of our experiences are unique. That is why the CHA is centered around equity, amplifying the voices of all our communities and allowing everyone to contribute to pushing for change.

For a successful CHA, community participation is crucial in planning future programming, services, and partnerships. Not only as the intern who worked on this project, but also as a fellow resident in the Richmond and Henrico Health Districts, I encourage each of you to take the survey to better shape the future of our community!

You can pitch in by 1) taking the survey yourself and 2) sharing it with friends, coworkers, neighbors, and family who live in Richmond and Henrico. You can access the CHA online at or using a paper form at one of RHHD’s clinics, resource centers, or outreach tables at summer community events. The survey is available in English and Spanish and it is up and running through July 31.