Consumer Complaints

Guidance for Citizens with Complaints against Radon Professionals

Citizens may have questions or complaints regarding the quality of work performed by a radon professional who either tests for radon levels in indoor air or installs radon mitigation systems.

State law requires radon professionals to be certified by either the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP), or the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB).  VDH currently has no legal authority to do on-site inspections to monitor the work of radon professionals, nor can VDH issue any enforcement actions if deficiencies are found. Upon request VDH will review photos or other evidence provided by the consumer to help determine if there were violations of established protocols and if necessary, contact the radon professional to help get the situation resolved. If that effort fails, consumers are urged to write an official letter of complaint to the professional’s certifying body (either NRSB or NRPP) and they will investigate the situation and have the power to take meaningful enforcement action.

The following VDH bulletin summarizes actions that citizens with complaints can take: Citizens with Complaints Against Radon Professionals



Office of Radiological Health | 109 Governor Street, 7th Floor | Richmond, VA 23219

Telephone (804) 864-8150 | Fax: (804) 864-8155


Last Updated: November 3, 2023