Prince William Health District is prepared to assist the community in enhancing individual and organizational emergency preparedness. There are many factors to consider when creating an emergency plan. The EP&R Division is willing and able to assist with emergency planning, response training and exercise, and personal and family preparedness or other emergency management topics.
Start building your emergency plans:
- Readygov - This website provides templates for making a family emergency plan and tips on preparing for a variety of emergencies.
- Disaster Supply Kit - A comprehensive list of supplies to have on hand in case of emergency.
- Capital Alert - Signup for local emergency alerts in your place of residence and work.
The PWHD partners with local emergency management to prepare. To learn more about the resources emergency management can provide, visit their websites:
Certain healthcare providers are required to comply with specific Emergency Preparedness guidance. For more information, visit:
If you would like technical assistance in any part of emergency management or training and exercise, contact the PWHD EP&R Division at A staff member will respond as soon as possible.