Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Epidemiology

Mother and child iconThe Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Epidemiology and Evaluation Unit collects, analyzes, and shares data on conditions of public health importance and associated risk factors among mothers, children, and youth. Specifically, this Unit helps the Office of Family Health Services MCH Programs in the following ways:

  • Monitors health needs of all mothers, children and youth in the Commonwealth.
  • Collects and analyzes data studies information about MCH to understand what is happening.
  • Prepares reports in response to questions from the media, community health planners, lawmakers, and advocacy groups.
  • Designs special studies about MCH issues.
  • Monitors progress toward national and state objectives.
  • Evaluates MCH programs and provides information data to assist with inform policy changes.

As part of the support provided to the Division of Child and Family Health MCH Programs, this Unit monitors and evaluates health data specific to the maternal and child health (MCH) population in Virginia. This information helps identify Virginia’s MCH priorities for the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant.

State Systems Development Initiative

The MCH Epidemiology and Evaluation Unit leads a project called the Virginia State Systems Development Initiative (SSDI). The overall goal of this project is to increase the ability to gather, study, and use reliable data to make decisions about MCH programs and policies in Virginia. SSDI receives funds to expand linking key MCH datasets for analysis; improves access to and analysis of data related to health equity; and translating data into evidence-based action at the state level. VDH has received SSDI funding for nearly twenty years and has helped Virginia make significant improvements in MCH epidemiology and monitoring.

Last Updated: August 9, 2024