Adult Oral Health and Chronic Disease Program Overview and Training


The purpose of the Adult Oral Health and Chronic Disease Program is to plan, develop and implement training and educational programming regarding adult oral health and chronic disease. The focus of this program is to assist in the integration of Medicine and Dentistry with respect to chronic diseases and the relationship to oral health. Research continues to support the correlation between good oral health in the management and prevention of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and respiratory illnesses as well as overall wellness.

Statewide Program Services:

  • Provide training within senior centers, nursing homes and residential facilities to both residents and staff to raise awareness of the importance of oral health for overall well-being and the connection between adult oral health and chronic disease
  • Provide education and instruction to individuals with chronic diseases as a part of chronic disease education programs within medical clinics and hospitals
  • Provide training and support on integrating medical and dental services for staff and patients of free clinics and community health clinics
  • Provide oral health education, hygiene instruction, and resources for the caretakers of older adults within facilities as well as private homes
  • Provide training and education to both dental and medical providers on HPV and Oral Cancer
  • Provide education and hygiene instruction to adults in recovery centers and residential facilities on the relationship between oral health and overall wellness
  • Provide training to non-dental health care providers on oral screening and referral
  • Provide training to dental providers on blood pressure protocols, techniques, and referrals
  • Collaborate with key internal and external partners and local stakeholders to maximize reach and effectiveness of oral health messaging for adults and older adults


Topic: Oral Health for Someone Else
Target Audience: Family Caregivers, Professional Caregivers, Professional Medical and Nursing Assistants, Community Health Workers
How is the training provided? In-person

Topic: Adult Oral Health and Chronic Disease
Target Audience: Senior Adults in Day and Residential Programs, Active Living and Wellness Programs, Non-Dental Healthcare Providers
How is the training provided? In-person

Topic: Adult Oral Health and Substance Abuse
Target Audience: Adult Recovery Programs
How is the training provided? In-person

Topic: Oral Exam Training for Non-Dental Providers/Medical Dental Integration
Target Audience: Non-Dental Healthcare Providers, Medical Clinic Providers and Staff
How is the training provided? In-person

Topic: Dentistry and the HPV Vaccine-Cancer Prevention
Target Audience: Dental Providers and Staff
How is the training provided? In-person

Contact Information: Pam Blankenship, Adult Oral Health Coordinator

Last Updated: November 4, 2019