Rat-Free Pre-demolition Inspection

Before any structure can be demolished in the City of Norfolk, it requires a rat-free inspection. Rat-free inspections are performed by the division of Vector Control to ensure that a structure does not have an active rat infestation. Demolition of a building that harbors rats can cause infestations in neighboring properties when the structure is torn down. The application for a rat-free inspection can be found below:

Applications can be submitted in person or online to the Bureau of Environmental Health.

The following proactive rodent abatement measures are requirements for construction, demolition, and land disturbance projects.

Sec.36-11. – Certificate from director of public health as to absence of rat infestation prerequisite to demolition buildings and structures.

  1. Before any person shall demolish any building or structure, the building or structure shall be inspected by the director of public health or his designee to determine if any rat infestation exists and, if in his opinion, no such rat infestation does exist, he shall issue a certificate of inspection. If in his opinion such rat infestation does exist, the building or structures involved shall be treated with rat poison in accordance with requirements of the director of public health or his designee; however, in no case shall such treatment be required for a period of more than fifteen (15) days, if the directions of the director of public health as to such treatment have been substantially complied with. Any person demolishing any building or structure without first securing a certificate of inspection from the director of public health or his designee shall be guilty of violation of this section.
  2. The code official shall refuse to issue a permit for the demolition of any building or structure, unless and until the certificate required by this section is submitted to him with the application for such demolition permit.
  3. The certificate of inspection, also known as a rat free certificate, shall be valid for a period of 30 (30) days from the date of inspection. If any building or structure has not been demolished by the expiration date of the rat free certificate, then another inspection shall be conducted and another certificate shall be issued before demolition can proceed.