Suspected Dog Bite-Grafton Station in York County

May 3, 2022

Media Contact: Irene Ferrainolo, Public Information Contact:  757-594-7305 & Mary Wainwright, Acting Environmental Health Manager:  757-253-4286

Suspected Dog Bite-Grafton Station in York County

Newport News, VA – The Peninsula Health District is looking for a gray and tan pit bull mix type dog which bit a person on April 24, 2022 at the tennis court at Grafton Station Apartments in York County, Virginia. The dog in question was with a family group on the tennis court. At some point it was involved in a fight with another dog being walked outside of the tennis court area. In the process of breaking up the dog fight the victim was either bitten or scratched. After the incident the dog and family group were seen walking towards the rear of the complex. If the dog is not found, the victim may have to undergo post exposure treatment (shots) for the prevention of rabies.

Once found, the dog will not be taken away from its owner, only placed on an in-home confinement for a period of 10 days. Anyone who has seen an animal that fits this description in this area is asked to contact the Peninsula Health District – Newport News Area Environmental Health Office at 757-594-7340. After hours, please contact York Animal Control: 757-890-3601.

Residents are reminded to report all exposures, enjoy wildlife from a distance, and make sure their family pets are vaccinated and protected against the rabies virus. Virginia state law requires that dogs and cats be vaccinated between 3 and 4 months of age and thereafter to maintain protection against rabies. Please contact your Veterinarian for further information.


Last Updated: May 3, 2022