Swimming Advisories Issued for Ocean View Beaches

September 4, 2024    
Media Contact:
Marcia Snyder, Norfolk Department of Public Health, Marcia.Snyder@vdh.virginia.gov, 757-406-0282

Swimming Advisories Issued for Ocean View Beaches

NORFOLK, Va. – The Norfolk Department of Public Health has issued Swimming Advisories for five Ocean View Beaches: 5th Bay, North Community Beach, Ocean View Park, 10th View, and 13th View.  Water testing conducted yesterday revealed enterococci bacteria levels at these sites exceeding State Water Quality Standards. Signs have been posted to alert the public of these advisories. Health officials are retesting beach water and will remove posted signs and notify the public when the bacteria levels decrease to meet state standards.

The Environmental Health Division of the Norfolk Department of Public Health samples Ocean View beach water on a weekly basis, during the swimming season, from late-May through mid-September. Enterococci bacteria are a group of indicator organisms used to determine the extent of fecal contamination in recreational waters.

While enterococci bacteria do not generally cause illness, scientific studies indicate that their presence is closely correlated to the presence of other disease-causing organisms. People swimming or playing in waters with bacteria levels higher than the state standards have an increased risk of developing gastrointestinal illness.

For further information, call the Environmental Health Division, Norfolk Department of Public Health, at 757-683-2712.  For information about the Virginia Department of Health’s Beach Monitoring Program, current swimming advisory maps, and helpful tips about recreational water safety, please visit: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/waterborne-hazards-control/beach-monitoring/

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Last Updated: September 6, 2024