October 16, 2024
Media Contact: Kristy Fowler, PR Specialist, kristy.fowler@vdh.virginia.gov
You Call the Shots
Get Your Free Flu Vaccine through the Chesterfield Health District
Chesterfield, Va. — The Virginia Department of Health’s (VDH) Chesterfield Health District (CHD) is gearing up for flu season by offering a free seasonal flu vaccine clinic Tuesday, October 22, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Beulah Recreation Center at 6901 Hopkins Road in North Chesterfield.
This event will offer free seasonal influenza (flu) vaccinations for adults ages 18 and older. VDH has a limited supply of the standard dose so it will be first come, first served.
“We want people to be informed and make an educated decision where their health in concerned,” CHD Health Emergency Coordinator Fernando Tirado said. “We’re building community resilience by empowering people to prepare for flu season.”

Influenza, commonly called “the flu,” is a serious disease caused by the influenza virus that affects the respiratory tract. It is highly contagious and generally spreads from person-to-person when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can be transmitted even before flu-like symptoms appear. A person usually becomes sick one to three days following exposure to the virus. Typical flu symptoms include fever, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches and extreme fatigue.
All persons aged six months or older should be vaccinated against influenza each year. Particular effort should be made to vaccinate people at higher risk for influenza complications, including:
- Pregnant and postpartum women, or those who will be pregnant during the influenza season;
- Persons 65 years of age or older, including residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities;
- People who have chronic lung or heart problems, including asthma; and
- People who have other serious medical conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, anemia, cancer, weak immune systems (including those with HIV) or a seizure disorder.
The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated every year. This year’s shot covers three strains of flu. You can get your flu shot at many different locations, like your doctor’s office or local clinic. Talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns. If you don’t have a regular health care provider, you can get a flu shot at a health department or pharmacy or visit the VDH provider finder.
In addition to getting vaccination, you can minimize your risk of contracting or transmitting the flu, follow these simple steps:
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds;
- Cover your cough, either by using a disposable tissue or coughing into your sleeve, not your hand; and
- Stay at home when you are sick.
For more information, call the Chesterfield Health Department at 804-748-1691 or visit www.vdh.virginia.gov/epidemiology/influenza-flu-in-virginia/.
You call the shots!