Teen Driving Safety: Recent Research and Implications for Prevention

August 23, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm America/New York Timezone


Other Notes: Many factors contribute to the high rate ofmotor vehicle-related deaths among teens – including lack of drivingexperience, lack of seat belt use, excessive speed, distractions, and drug andalcohol impairment. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death forU.S. teens with nearly seven teens (aged 13–19) dying and hundreds more beinginjured every day.  In this webinar, Dr. Barbara Banz of the Yale Schoolof Medicine will discuss the neuroscience of driving for teens and thecomplexity in teen crashes from a developmental perspective. Dr. Federico Vaca,also at the Yale School of Medicine, will share his work on the relativelynewer phenomenon of teens delaying their driving licensure, includingadvantages and disadvantages, contributing factors, differences amongracial/ethnic groups, and implications for graduated driving licensure and teendriver safety. Both Dr. Banz and Dr. Vaca will share prevention strategies andresources. Sally Thigpen, of the CDC and an active CSN-A member, will moderate thiswebinar.

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