From Complete Streets to Complete Networks: A Data-Driven, Performance-Based, Multimodal Planning Tool

February 3, 2022 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm America/New York Timezone


Other Notes: Movingbeyond complete streets to complete networks – entire networks of continuousand connected facilities for transit, bike, auto, freight, and pedestrians –involves conducting a larger review of networks for each mode. Then the design of individual streets follows the larger modalnetwork vision with performance measures aligned with the priority mode for thesubject street.   

Join the Maryland Department of Planning and Smart GrowthNetwork at 1:00 p.m. EST, Thursday, February 3, as planners fromthe Michigan Department of Transportation and Southeast MichiganCouncil of Governments share a set of tools – one GIS tool for the networkanalysis and another for analyzing the multimodal performance of individualstreets – they have built to evolve the state of the practice for completestreets planning and design.