Worksite Wellness through Immunization

Adult Immunizations

Immunizations aren’t just for children and adolescents. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend:

  • Seasonal influenza (flu) (for all adults)
  • Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) (for all adults who have not previously received the Tdap vaccine)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) (for all adults through the age of 26 or for adults 27 years and older who have special health conditions)
  • Shingles (for adults 50 years and older or adults less than 50 years old who have specific health conditions)
  • Pneumococcal (pneumonia) infection (for all adults 65 years and older or for adults less than 65 years old who have specific health conditions)
  • Hepatitis B infection (for all adults aged 19 through 59 years or for adults 60 years and older who have specific health conditions)
  • Travel immunizations (visit to see what immunizations are recommended based on your destination)

For more information on ACIP recommended adult immunizations, visit

Flu Vaccine for Worksite Wellness

The CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older receive a flu vaccine each year. Annual seasonal flu vaccination with either the flu shot or the nasal-spray flu vaccine is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get the flu and lessen the chance that you will spread it to others. When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu illness can spread through the community.

What does the flu cost a company?

Catching the flu can lead to a great loss in productivity. In 2010, the flu accounted for:

  • 200 million days of diminished productivity
  • 100 million days of bed rest
  • 75 million days of work absences
  • 22 million visits to healthcare providers

The total economic burden of the flu in the United States is estimated at $87.1 billion dollars. The flu can also cost companies billions in lost productivity and direct medical costs. On average, vaccination against the flu can save $30 per vaccinated person.

How to build Workplace Wellness through Immunization

Immunizations are a proven public health intervention and can be implemented at your workplace on varying scales. The four steps of the workplace health model can guide program planning.

  • What are the risks, concerns, current programs, capacity and needs
  • What services are currently being used? Is there a need for an onsite immunization program?
  • Have employees received the flu vaccine the past season? If so, what percentage received it?

Resources for Workplace Wellness through Immunization

Although healthcare personnel (HCP) have been the focus of immunizations at the workplace in studies, immunizations for caregivers is just as important. Eleven states have legislation supporting influenza immunization for HCP and numerous hospitals and healthcare facilities have policies for influenza immunization.

Sample Documents for Worksite Adult Immunization Policy

The following can be used to implement your own worksite immunization policy focusing on influenza. The Colorado Hospital Association developed a Guidance Document for Developing a Mandatory Influenza Vaccination Program. The following documents can be modified for other vaccines, such as Tdap, or to meet your business needs.

Last Updated: October 5, 2022