Annual School Self-Reports of Immunization Coverage

Student Immunization Status Report

According to Virginia Code § 22.1-271.2 (Immunization requirements), within 30 calendar days after the beginning of each school year, each admitting school official shall file a report with the local health department stating the immunization status of students in his school. The report includes the number of kindergarten, seventh grade, and twelfth grade students admitted to school with documentary proof of immunization, the number of students who have been admitted with a medical or religious exemption and the number of students who have been conditionally admitted (see definitions).

The report for students entering the seventh grade shall also include the following:

  • Number of students appropriately immunized for HepB
  • Number of students with 1 booster dose of tetanus, diphtheria, or pertussis-containing (Tdap) vaccine within the last five years
  • Number of students with 2 doses of MMR
  • Number of students with 1 dose of MenACWY vaccine
  • Number of students with at least 1 dose of HPV vaccine

The report for students entering the twelfth grade shall also include the following:

  • Number of students with one dose of MenACWY
  • Number of students with two doses of MenACWY vaccine
  • Number of students with at least one dose of HPV vaccine
  • Number of students that are up to date with the HPV vaccine

The report is submitted by school personnel using the web-based reporting tool at the following site:

For more information on how to complete the Student Immunization Survey
SIS Step by Step Guide

The Student Immunization Survey (SIS) data published on this site have not been validated and reflect direct reporting from each school. Built-in functionality for future years' data has been added to help users avoid mistakes and to prevent validation errors.

Adequately Immunized - means children vaccinated in accordance with the harmonized schedule of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Academy of Family Physicians with vaccines required by the Code of Virginia as shown at the following site: School Requirements

Conditional Enrollment – means a student whose immunizations are incomplete, but provides documentary proof of having received at least one dose of the required immunizations, accompanied by a schedule for completion of the required doses within 90 days.

Archived Kindergarten Student Immunization Status Results


***In SY 2019-20 the assessment grade was changed from 6th grade to 7th grade, to align with the CDC Recommended Immunization Schedule.