Virginians spend over a third of their day in the workplace. Workplaces should support staff’s health and wellbeing. This is ultimately beneficial to employers as well. VDH supports workplace wellness by:
Better food and drink choices
VDH works with food service vendors and management companies to provide healthy food choices in vending machines, cafeterias, or other places where food is sold. We also encourage workplaces to create better practices to support healthy foods for meetings, celebrations, or fundraisers in the workplace.
- Smart Food Choices: How to Implement Food Service Guidelines in Public Facilities
- Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Public Places
- CDC’s Healthy Food Service Guidelines Resources
Opportunities for physical activity
Getting your body moving at work can help prevent and manage chronic diseases. We encourage programs that aim to increase employees access to physical activity
Connection to Evidenced Based Programs in the workplace
We offer evidence based nutrition and physical activity programs that prevent and manage chronic diseases. These programs include:
- Walk with Ease
- Chronic Disease Management
- Diabetes Prevention Program
- Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs
Breastfeeding Friendly Workplaces
VDH in partnership with the Virginia Breastfeeding Coalition (VBC) has a breastfeeding friendly workplace recognition program.
The program recognizes workplaces who support their breastfeeding employees, go above state and federal standards, and lead the way in worksite wellness. Some of the breastfeeding friendly criteria include lactation programs, breastfeeding policies, training for staff, and breastfeeding supportive benefits. The award has categories of bronze, silver, and gold. To learn more, visit Virginia Breastfeeding Coalition webpage.
Workplace Wellness Resources
- Current Practices in Worksite Wellness
- Worksite Health Scorecard Manual
- Worksite Wellness Resource Guide
- Wellness Council of America