About the Program
- The purpose of the Rural Health Partner Mobilization Mini-Grants are to provide funding to support a variety of projects that align with any of the four strategies prioritized by the CDC COVID-19 Rural Health Disparities Grant (listed below).
- Projects within this grant have the flexibility to address secondary and tertiary effects of COVID-19, as well as other related health disparities within rural and/or Medically Underserved Area/population.
- Priority will be given to applicants that demonstrate a need for the funding, have a clear plan in place for using the funding, and can articulate the anticipated impact of the funding if received.
Priority Strategies
Four overarching program strategies aim to build infrastructures that both address disparities in the current COVID-19 pandemic and set the foundation to address future responses.
- Strategy 1: Expand existing and/or develop new mitigation and prevention resources and services to reduce COVID-19 related disparities among populations at higher risk and that are underserved
- Strategy 2: Increase/improve data collection and reporting for populations experiencing a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 infection, severe illness, and death to guide the response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Strategy 3: Build, leverage, and expand infrastructure support for COVID-19 prevention and control among populations that are at higher risk and underserved
- Strategy 4: Mobilize partners and collaborators to advance health equity and address social determinants of health as they relate to COVID-19 health disparities among populations at higher risk and that are underserved
Mobilizing Partnerships
- Local Health Districts (LHDs) should engage with local Community-based Organizations (CBOs) who might be interested in pursuing this opportunity.
- Interested CBOs should submit an application packet to their respective LHD.
- The LHD refers the CBO to VA-SORH.
- VA-SORH facilitates the transfer of funds to reduce the administrative burden on LHD staff.
The application packet (5 page limit) should consist of the following:
- Proposal Narrative
- Statement of Need
- Commitment to utilize grant funds to serve rural and/or medically underserved communities within the established project period
- Demonstrate relevance to one or more of the four priority strategies listed above.
- Population to be Served
- Demonstrate need for this program in the target community/area
- Potential impact of the program
- Describe potential barriers or challenges
- Propose mitigation strategies, if applicable
- Project Timeline/Work Plan
- Work Plan Template and Example available upon request
- Project goals and objectives
- Metric Tracking Plan
- Quantifiable process or outcome measure
- Subrecipients are expected to report progress on proposed metrics on quarterly basis via REDCap Survey
- Categorized Budget & Budget Narrative
- Budget Template and Example available upon request
- Clear and concise description of costs in each budget category
Application, Reimbursement & Project Period Timeline
- Interested organizations should submit an application to their respective LHD on or before August 4th.
- The LHD should communicate the referral to the VA-SORH on or before August 5th.
- LHDs should submit completed application(s) and a Referral and Reallocation Agreement
- Brandon Rivenbark at brandon.rivenbark@vdh.virginia.gov
- or Fern Christian at fern.christian@vdh.virginia.gov
- LHDs should submit completed application(s) and a Referral and Reallocation Agreement
- VA-SORH will establish MOA with CBO as soon as possible.
- Funds will be reimbursed to CBOs by the VA-SORH on a reimbursement by deliverable basis.
- CBOs can submit invoices for reimbursement as needed.
- The proposed project must be completed by May 31st, 2023.
- Applicants should represent a public agency, tribal organization or private non-profit holding a 501(c)(3) tax-exemption in the Commonwealth of Virginia that is a designated rural service provider, Rural Health Clinic, Health Professional Shortage Area or a Medically Underserved Area/Population.
- The organization must demonstrate past or current programs/projects that address the needs of the community or of a specific population. Examples include but are not limited to: transportation issues, food insecurity, lack of broadband access, financial literacy, childcare, housing insecurity, etc.
Subrecipient Grant Restrictions (Unallowable Costs)
- An organization may not receive funding for more than one project until the completion or termination of a funded program.
- Funds may not be used for clinical care, defined as “direct treatment of an individual”
- Funds should not be used for administering vaccines, but can be used for administrative support and reporting
- Recipients may not use funds for research
- Funds may not be used for promotional items
- Other than for normal and recognized executive-legislative relationships, no funds may be used for:
- Publicity or propaganda purposes, for the preparation, distribution, or use of any material designed to support or defeat the enactment of legislation before any legislative body
- The salary or expenses of any grant or contract recipient, or agent acting for such recipient, related to any activity designed to influence the enactment of legislation, appropriations, regulation, administrative action, or Executive order proposed or pending before any legislative body.
- Recipients may not use funds to purchase furniture
- Funds cannot be used for building purchases, construction, capital investments, or land acquisition
Questions regarding the program, application and reimbursement can be directed to:
- Brandon Rivenbark at brandon.rivenbark@vdh.virginia.gov
- or Fern Christian at fern.christian@vdh.virginia.gov
Last Updated: March 27, 2024