About Us
The Environmental Health Department protects the citizens of the Hampton-Peninsula Health District with a wide range of services, including: inspection of all food establishments, hotels, motels, tattoo parlors, and body piercing salons, public swimming pools and campgrounds; investigation of animal bites and childhood lead poisoning; beach water sampling and monitoring; processing of permit applications for onsite water supply and sewage disposal systems; investigation of complaints involving restaurants, hotels, swimming pools and septic systems; and advice on solid waste, insect, and rodent problems. State fees are charged for food, well, and septic permits. This division also presents a variety of health education programs for civic groups, clubs, schools, etc.
To report a restaurant-related issue, please email peninsula.eh@vdh.virginia.gov. We typically respond to a complaint within 72 business hours.
Fee Schedule
Onsite Sewage and Well Application Fees Effective July 1, 2010
Food & General Environmental Health Fees Effective July 1, 2011
HPHD's Environmental Health Staff at Work

Food Permits
Anyone selling or distributing food to the public must have a temporary food permit.
Vendors that do not have a temporary food permit must complete a Temporary Food Establishment (TFE) permit application and submit the $40 fees to the Hampton or Peninsula Health Department at least 10 business days prior to the event. Vendors selling food prepared at their home (including baked goods) must be approved and inspected by Virginia Department of Agriculture (VDACS) and submit a copy of the most recent VDACS inspection with their TFE application. In addition, as of July 1, 2018 any vendor who will be cooking raw animal foods such as hamburgers, chicken, and/or seafood, etc. or cooling of any time-temperature control for safety (TCS) foods must have a Certified Food Protection Manager Certificate (CFPM) from one of the 5 VDH approved courses prior to being issued a permit (link provided below).
- Go to: https://www.statefoodsafety.com/
- Select the course you wish to take
- Enter VA for the state
- Enter Hampton & Peninsula Health Districts
Protection from Foodborne Illness
The Hampton-Peninsula Health District works with food establishment owners and consumers throughout the Commonwealth to prevent and address foodborne illness.
You can check out your health district's restaurant inspections here.
HPHD also ensures milk safety! Learn more here.
The Virginia Department of Health Temporary Food Establishment policy and additional information may be found here.
Additional information on the VDH CFPM requirement may be found here.
Protection from Waterborne Illness
The Hampton-Peninsula Health District urges beachgoers and those using and maintaining swimming pools, spas, and water parks to focus on simple steps that can be taken to help ensure a healthy and safe swimming experience for everyone.
Information available through the links below describes the role of swimmers, aquatics and beach staff, residential pool owners, and public health officials in preventing drowning, swimming-related injuries, and waterborne illnesses.
Our services include:
- Septic System Design and Permits
- Well Design and Permits
- Subdivision Review
- Swimming Pool Inspections
Click here to learn how to navigate waterborne illnesses as you and your family jump in our many ocean, lakes, and pools!
Protection from Animal Diseases
Hampton-Peninsula Health District works with our localities and Animal Control to alert the public of animals that are diseased and present a danger to you and your family. We aim to prevent the spread of animal and insect diseases which can harm and can disease to our community. Click on the links below to learn more:
Beach Monitoring
Beach Monitoring falls under our protection from waterborne diseases control. Bacteria levels in beach water are monitored at 45 public beaches in Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean during the swimming season (May-September). Water samples are collected weekly and analyzed by local laboratories for enterococci bacteria. If bacteria levels exceed Virginia’s Beach Action Value of 104 MPN/100 mL of water, a swimming advisory is issued (MPN=most probable number, a unit for bacteria measurement).
Take simple steps to protect yourself and your loved ones, and learn more here.
Certified Pool Course
All pool operators must be certified and take a certified pool course within our district. Check with your locality on their pool operator requirements.
3130 Victoria Blvd
Hampton, VA 23669
Phone: (757) 727-2570
Fax: 757-727-1227
Email: hhd-environmental@vdh.virginia.gov
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday
836-A J. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Newport News, VA 23601
Phone: (757) 594-7340
Fax: (757) 594-7223
Email: peninsula.eh@vdh.virginia.gov
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
5300 Palmer Lane
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Phone: (757) 603 - 4277
Fax: (757) 253 – 4285
Email: peninsula.eh@vdh.virginia.gov
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday