Injection Safety

Injection Safety


Safe injection practices help stop the spread of viruses like HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, as well as bacteria and other germs. These practices include basic steps to prevent infections and keep both healthcare workers and patients safe during procedures like giving injections or checking blood sugar levels. Infections or outbreaks can happen if healthcare workers don’t use proper medical equipment such as syringes, needles, medication vials, blood glucose monitors, or insulin pens.

Learn more about how to prevent bloodborne pathogens in healthcare facilities on the VDH bloodborne pathogens page.




Educational Resources

VDH Infection Prevention and Control Assessments: The HAI/AR team is available to conduct a no-cost, non-regulatory, onsite visit to help a facility identify its infection prevention strengths and areas of opportunity.

Virginia Healthcare-Associated Infections Advisory

VCU Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center>

World Health Organization (WHO)




Setting-Specific Resources

Injection safety resources specific to long-term care settings: 

VDH Safe Injection Practices and Assisted Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Long-Term Care Facilities (9/29/2021)(slides, recording)

Assisted Living Facilities




Regulatory Resources

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) 

Virginia Department of Social Services