On this page: Background | Educational Resources | Setting-Specific Resources
Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes items like gowns, gloves, eye protection, and masks that keep healthcare workers safe from infections at work. PPE creates barriers to keep germs away from hands, skin, clothing, eyes, nose, and mouth. Wearing PPE correctly is essential for preventing and controlling infections in healthcare settings.
Face mask, eye protection (goggles or face shield): Worn if contact with blood or body fluids may occur, especially during suctioning and intubation.
Gloves: Worn if contact with blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or contaminated items in the patient/resident’s environment may occur.
Gown: Worn if contact with blood or body fluids may occur.
Educational Resources
- Donning (Putting On) PPE (poster for use in education fairs)
- Doffing (Taking Off) PPE (poster for use in education fairs)
- Hand Hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment Monitoring Tool by Precaution Type
- PPE Competency Template (Word) (fillable PDF)
- PPE Competency Validation Tool– One Step Doffing Process (Word) (fillable PDF)
- PPE Competency Validation Tool – Two Step Doffing Process (Word editable) (fillable PDF)
- N95 Train-the-Trainer Course Information (training)
- How to Develop a Respiratory Protection Program (training)
VDH Infection Prevention and Control Assessments: The HAI/AR team is available to conduct a no-cost, non-regulatory, onsite visit to help a facility identify its infection prevention strengths and areas of opportunity.
- Sequence for Putting on and Removing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (training)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Ebola Virus Disease
- Conserving Supplies of PPE in Healthcare Facilities During Shortages
- Summary for Healthcare Facilities: Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of PPE during Shortages
- PPE: Coaching and Training Frontline Healthcare Professionals
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Virginia Healthcare-Associated Infections Advisory Group
- Virginia Infection Prevention and Control Training Alliance (VIPTA) - search the education and training resource library for resources related to personal protective equipment
VCU Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center
- Virginia Infection Prevention Training Center (VIPTC) - courses and trainings related to infection prevention and control
- Donning & Doffing (video)