
epidemiology {ep´ï-de´me-ol´o-je} 1. the study of the relationships of the various factors determining the frequency and distribution of diseases in human communities. 2. the field of medicine concerned with the determination of the specific causes of localized outbreaks of infection, such as hepatitis, of toxic disorders, such as lead poisoning, or any other disease of recognized etiology. -- Dorland’s Medical Dictionary

Clinical Epidemiology: Healthcare-associated Infections, Antimicrobial Resistance, Tuberculosis, Newcomer Health

Disease Prevention: HIV/AIDS Programs, STDs, Viral Hepatitis

Immunization: Vaccines for Children, School Requirements, Vaccine Safety, Influenza, Travel

Informatics and Information Services: Meaningful Use, Electronic Reporting

Surveillance & Investigation: Influenza Surveillance, Disease Surveillance Data, Zoonotic Disease

Pharmacy Services: Vaccines, medications, drug information services, and biologics supporting Health Department programs and local health departments

Quick Links and Important Resources

Animal Contact & Human Health

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Disease Fact Sheets

Foodborne Diseases

Healthcare Associated Infections & Antimicrobial Resistance




Newcomer (Refugee) Health

Communicable Disease Data

Disease Reporting and Control Regulations

Reporting Form (Epi-1, Revised 2011) or Reporting Form Portal (Epi-1)

Respiratory Diseases

Tick borne Diseases 


Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS)

Contact Us

Laurie Forlano, DO MPH
Director, Office of Epidemiology
State Epidemiologist
109 Governor Street, 6th Floor East
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804) 864-8141
Fax: (804) 864-8139

Contact Us by Email

For COVID-19 Questions, contact us here.


Last Updated: March 12, 2025