About Us

Division Staff

District Offices

Our Purpose

The Division helps implement regulations for marinas, private wells, and onsite sewage systems.  The division provides policy, procedures, guidance, training, technical assistance, and grant and administrative support to the 35 health districts and over 300 field staff.  We help foster and maintain positive working relationships with many stakeholders, including contractors, engineers, onsite soil evaluators, environmental groups, pumpers, academics, manufacturers, builders, real estate agents, and most especially, homeowners.


 Our vision is a world where everyone has the best possible health and wellbeing.


 We accomplish this vision by making sure people have safe and adequate drinking water and safe recreational water.  We intentionally improve health by making sure people are not exposed to disease from sewage or excessive nutrients.  We measure success and outcomes, build relationships, educate, and create policies that improve health as it relates to water, sewage and nutrient pollution.


We provide excellent customer service, treating everyone with honesty, dignity and respect.

We uphold VDH’s ethical standards at all times.

We have fun and enjoy helping people.

We understand the limits of our authority and always work within our authority as provided by law, regulation, and official agency policy.

We always keep people informed and provide our customers with due process to challenge adverse decisions.



Last Updated: December 18, 2016