OEMS Mobile App

The Office of EMS is pleased to introduce our revamped mobile app.  The improved app maintains all the functionality of the existing mobile app and adds new features to assist Virginia providers with maintaining their certification.  The app is free to download and use.  A Quick Guide for the app can be found here.

As a part of the update, the office has made available several new features which make the app integral to assisting providers with access to key information they need pertaining to their certification and continuing education.

For EMS Providers, new features include:

  • quick access to your digital certification card for scanning continuing education
  • detailed continuing education report to assist you in determining where they are in their recertification cycle
  • agency affiliations so you know what agencies have you on their roster, and

For EMS Educators, new features include all of the above PLUS:

  • quick access to your digital Education Coordinator certification card for scanning continuing education
  • real-time details of your EC certification to include recertification details
  • a list of active and inactive courses which you have announced to the Office, and
  • access to “hours taught” which count toward recertification.


Last Updated: June 20, 2024