Changes to Virginia’s Recertification Requirements

Welcome! As of October 1, 2023, Virginia officially implemented the new National Continued Competency Program (NCCP) model from the National Registry of EMTs across all certification levels. While following the overall National Registry NCCP framework, Virginia’s adopted plan is customized for the needs of the Commonwealth.  Here’s a 30-second snapshot of what you need to know about this transition.

Hours Requirements

The image below shows the 2016-2025 Virginia Recertification Requirements by level.  Please note your CE requirements are tied to the date of your last Virginia recertification cycle–the date to keep in mind is October 1, 2023.  Please see the chart below–clicking on the image will begin a download of the PDF version of the form.

If you recertified in Virginia before October 1, 2023:

If you recertified in Virginia on or after October 1, 2023:

  • No earned CE will be lost or removed from your report in the transition.
  • The CE earned and currently on your Virginia CE Report–from October 1, 2023 forward–will be retroactively transitioned to the new 2025 Virginia Recertification Requirements
  • The retroactive reprocessing of your CE to the new 2025 requirements may possibly change the number of hours you have in a specific area based on the new requirements.
    • Please review your Virginia CE Report to identify any areas that may be affected and require additional CE to be earned in order to be eligible for recertification in Virginia and with the National Registry, if you are Registry certified.
  • If you are eligible for recertification in Virginia on June 17th, your eligibility will not be lost even if your CE report reflects additional hours are needed in any area. You will not be required to complete these additional CE based on this change in CE requirements to satisfy your Virginia recertification.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us by clicking here and using this form.

BLS & ALS Recertification Requirements

National Registry Recertification Guidance

Each year as we get close to Registry recertification season, the ACE Division updates and publishes a guide on the OEMS website which details an express option for Registry certified providers to complete their online National Registry Recertification application. This guide can be found at:

It includes step-by-step instructions on recertification, both with screenshots or without. The guide is updated each year, however maintaining up-to-date screenshots due to tweaks and changes Registry makes to its website, can be a challenge. The basic guidance in the document is sound, even with the changes Registry has made to their website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at

New! OEMS Mobile App Released

The Office of EMS is pleased to introduce our revamped mobile app.  The improved app maintains all the functionality of the existing mobile app and adds new features to assist Virginia providers with maintaining their certification.  The app is free to download and use.  A Quick Guide for the app can be found here.

As a part of the update, the office has made available several new features which make the app integral to assisting providers with access to key information they need pertaining to their certification and continuing education.

For EMS Providers, new features include:

  • quick access to your digital certification card for scanning continuing education
  • detailed continuing education report to assist you in determining where they are in their recertification cycle
  • agency affiliations so you know what agencies have you on their roster, and
  • access to information about the annual Virginia EMS Symposium

For EMS Educators, new features include all of the above PLUS:

  • quick access to your digital Education Coordinator certification card for scanning continuing education
  • real-time details of your EC certification to include recertification details
  • a list of active and inactive courses which you have announced to the Office, and
  • access to “hours taught” which count toward recertification.


Free Continuing Education for Virginia EMS Providers

Free Continuing Education

Available in partnership with VectorSolutions

The Virginia Office of EMS is pleased to announce that Virginia EMS providers now have free exclusive access to VectorSolutions Training, featuring robust courses delivered through an award-winning learning management system.

We have invested significant money and resources into developing this partnership which will allow Virginia EMS providers to choose from 100 different continuing education courses in Vector’s catalog in order to meet their requirements for recertification of their Virginia and National Registry certifications.

Unlock the power of this partnership today!

Click below to sign in today!

Login Instructions

Please read this carefully.  The Office of EMS has worked with VectorSolutions to automatically create an account for each active, certified EMS provider in the Commonwealth. To access your account:

  • Click the button above.
  • Your Username is your e-mail address on file in the Virginia EMS Portal.
    • If you already have a TargetSolutions/VectorSolutions account through your agency/personal purchase, then use your current login and password for that account.
  • Your temporary password is: freece (case-sensitive)
  • Completed CE course results will automatically be reported to the Office of EMS and applied to your CE report.  Please be patient with this process as we work out any reporting issues over the next several weeks.  Thank you!

Still need help?

Click Forgot Username or Password under the Password field and follow the instructions on the screen to recover your password.

If you are unable to login due to technical issues, please contact the VectorSolutions platform support
24/7 Login Support at 800-840-8048 or