Make The Call Campaign

This job is difficult and stressful.  Some days are amazing, leaving you with a smile on your face.  Some days are not.  It is those days that the job is not amazing that you may take on the greatest burden.  Unfortunately, that burden has created a world where more firefighters, EMTs and law enforcement officers have died at their own hand than they have in the line of duty.

This is where the “Make the Call” campaign comes in.  Our goal is to remind first responders and those who know and love them, that it is okay to make the call.  It is okay to reach out for help.  It is okay to take care of yourself.  As part of this campaign the Virginia Office of EMS will provide access to numerous resources to help providers and agencies recognize the signs and symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress and understand the training and resources that are available not just for the first responder, but for the family as well.

“Make the Call” media toolkit available here 

Thank you to Hanover County Fire and EMS, Richmond Ambulance Authority, and Norfolk Police Department for their participation in the campaign video.

If you have questions about the campaign or need additional information regarding mental health resources and training, please contact Karen Owens, Emergency Operations Division Director, at

Need help now? You are not alone!
There is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL help available 24/7 specifically for EMS Providers:

Last Updated: September 15, 2022