Last Updated: February 25, 2022
Has your EMS agency taken the EMS for Children Survey? Check with your EMS administrator and visit The questionnaire should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.
Click “Let’s Get Started”, then select “Virginia” from the State pull-down menu, then select your “County” from the pull-down menu. At this point the names of EMS agencies (in that county) will appear that have not as yet submitted a questionnaire. To begin, click on the exact name of your EMS agency and then click the “Start Survey” button. If you have to leave before finishing, click “Save”, and the system will send you an email with a link to resume that survey right where you left off. At the end, be sure and hit the “Submit” button.
Your timely response is very important as the information collected will help us identify areas for improving emergency care for ill or injured children in Virginia and across the country. (We spend a large portion of our federal EMS for Children grant funds on equipment items for EMS agencies and we support pediatric training and education in Virginia. We helped facilitate Virginia’s recent adoption of the HandTevy System, and we host and support the dedicated pediatric track at each annual Virginia EMS Symposium.) We recognize that this is a difficult time and appreciate your help as we seek to understand more about pediatric emergency care.
If you have any questions, please contact Dave Edwards, Virginia EMS for Children Coordinator at