Foreign National Access to EMS Training in Virginia

If you are an individual with a Visa or green card but do not possess a United States social security number, this page is for you.  Foreign nationals are required to:

  • Contact Debbie Akers via e-mail ( and provide a legible copy of:
    • the foreign national’s Visa and/or green card;
    • for foreign national’s passport
  • The Office of EMS will review and verify the foreign national’s eligibility to enroll in training/education programs in the United States.
  • After review, OEMS will contact the foreign national by e-mail with an “eligible” for “not eligible” notice.
    • If eligible, OEMS will assign a fictitious SSN for the foreign national to use to enroll electronically in an EMS training program via the Virginia EMS Portal.

Question?  Please reach out to Debbie Akers via e-mail (