The Eastern Shore Health District gears itself to effectively respond to any emergency impacting public health through preparation, collaboration, education and rapid intervention. Our Emergency Preparedness and Response Program involves state, regional and local emergency response partners working together to enhance readiness to respond to bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, and other public health emergencies. Funding to support these efforts is provided through grants from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).
The Eastern Shore Health District has a very successful Emergency Preparedness and Response Team. This team interacts with other local health care providers, State and County agencies, volunteer groups and private individuals during training exercises and actual emergencies. The District uses a Health Alert Network (HAN) in order to alert staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If an emergency occurs, the District has the ability to send out an alert to all Health District employees and team members in a matter of minutes.
The Health District also has two very extensive volunteer programs:
CERT – Citizens Emergency Response Team
MRC – Eastern Shore Medical Reserve Corps
Volunteers are accepted and trainings occur on a regular basis. Please call for more information.
Phone: 757-302-4267
Fax: 757-787-5841