Health Care Provider for Continuity of Care:
Virginia Licensed Physicians:
Newborn Screening Web Results Portal:
Web Portal Instructions
Web Portal Webinar Recording
Out of State Providers:
Send a fax with your practice letterhead requesting the results to the state lab at 804-225-2595. Include DOB, mom’s last name, and birth hospital if known.
Parents/Legal Guardians:
Note: You can also request a copy of your child’s newborn screen from pediatrician or hospital. If you still need assistance, please see below:
Newborn Screening Release: DCLS will provide copies of patient reports to citizens as required by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Please print the following documents and submit the request to DCLS to receive a copy of your test results report.
PLEASE NOTE: Using the documentation provided below, copies of newborn screening reports can be requested for babies born in the Commonwealth of Virginia on or after March 1, 2001. No Newborn Screening records are available for babies born prior to that date.
Authorization and Consent for the Release of Medical Records – Instructions
Authorization and Consent for the Release of Medical Records