Maternal & Child Health

Data come from vital records birth and death certificates on Virginia residents only. This includes Virginians who were born/died in state and out of state. Data by Virginia city or county is where the person lived at the time of birth or death. It is not based on where the birth or death occurred. Population counts for 2021 and 2022 are based on 2020 estimates due to National Center of Health Statistics no longer producing bridged-race estimates. Updated population counts are forthcoming.

Fast Facts: In 2022, there were...

95,615 total live births among the population

  • 8.5% were low birth weight deliveries (weighing less than 2,500 grams)
  • 9.6% were preterm births (born at less than 37 weeks gestation)
  • 5.1% of all live births received late or no prenatal care

113,862 total pregnancies among the population

  • 15.5% of the pregnancies were Hispanic women.
  • 22.4% of the pregnancies were Non-Hispanic Black women.
  • 54.9% of the pregnancies were Non-Hispanic White women.

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