Roles and Responsibilities

State agency (SA)

Executive Steering Committee (ESC)

Designated Governing Board (DGB)

Change Control Board (CCB)

Task Force(s)

Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

Product Management Office (PMO)Maintenance & Enhancement (M&E) Contract State

Product Management Office (PMO) Contract State

United States Department of Agriculture Food Nutrition Service (FNS)

Acquisition Working Group (AWG)

Maintenance & Enhancement (M&E) Contractor

SA Responsibilities 

  • Lead implementation of System within respective SA and shall abide by established User Group processes with respect to desired system modifications.
  • Support ongoing operations and enhancements of the System.
  • Participate in ESC, DGB, CCB, TAG, AWG, and task force calls and meetings as assigned.
  • Designate qualified SA representatives for participation in Crossroads User Group ESC, DGB, CCB, TAG, AWG, and task forces.
  • Support hosting of the Crossroads User Group Annual meeting.
  • Coordinate UAT with the PMO.
  • Identify a Crossroads liaison to work with the CCB and PMO on timely UAT schedule.
  • Test functionality and performance of releases prior to placing the new release into the production environment.
  • Share testing results with the Crossroads User Group and enter defects found during testing into the approved defect tracking system as identified by the CCP.
  • Document System errors in the issue tracking system.
  • Submit enhancement requests using the CCP.
  • Vote for System enhancements as ESC, DGB, and CCB members (when eligible).
  • Share in the cost of maintenance through the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to the User Group M&E contract once the SA receives FNS approval to proceed with pilot.
  • Submit information to PMO for Crossroads reporting to meet established Federal requirements

ESC Responsibilities 

  • Serve as the governing body of the User Group.
  • Review and make final decisions on System change requests.
  • Review and make final decisions on Crossroads User Group administrative and contracting issues.
  • Lead efforts to secure funding for the Crossroads User Group as required.
  • Ensures all requests for funding, acquisitions, and enhancements follow the established APD process.
  • Communicate recommendations to FNS and transfer states during the transfer process.
  • Ensure appropriate SA representation for DGB, CCB, AWG, TAG, and task forces.
  • Ensure timely and thorough testing and reporting by SAs.

 DGB Responsibilities

  • Work with CCB to validate change requests to forward to the ESC for approval.
  • Review M&E Contract Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for compliance and report to ESC on status.
  • Assess State and Federal compliance as part of the impact analysis for all System enhancements.
  • Analyze the impacts of competing state-based regulations, assesses the impact of regulations on the System, and recommends a strategy to address the situation.

CCB Responsibilities 

  • Coordinate with the PMO in executing the Crossroads User Group CCP.
  • Evaluate change ideas and System defect changes.
  • Provide change idea recommendations to DGB and ESC.
  • Provides recommendations for change request prioritization.
  • Participates in release planning and scheduling.
  • Assist with completed transfer SA  Alternatives Analysis documentation for System implementation.

Task Force(s)

  • Analyze emergent issues on behalf of the Crossroads User Group and make appropriate recommendations within the specific periods for which these temporary work groups are chartered.
  • Elect one task force member to provide leadership, administration, and communication of the task force objectives and status.

TAG Responsibilities 

  • Provide a proactive focus on future technologies for the System.
  • Elect one TAG member on a rotating basis to provide leadership, administration, and communication of the TAG objectives and status.

PMO Responsibilities 

  • Support the CCB in execution of the CCP.
  • Provide administrative and facilitation support to ESC, DGB, CCB, and task forces.
  • Share information with internal and external partners through conference calls, annual meetings, and documentation.
  • Participate with the M&E contractor in System DD&I and defect resolution activities.
  • Conduct preliminary testing on releases as defined by the CCP.
  • Coordinate UAT with SAs.
  • Manage the document-sharing website and administer the Communications and Collaborations Management Plan (CCMP).
  • Prepare all APDs for the Crossroads User Group for approval by the ESC.
  • Serve as point of contact for SA transfer inquiries and coordinate the Alternatives Analysis documentation review by CCB.
  • Serve as the point of contact for all System and product communications with USDA/FNS, ESC, and contractors, including all deliverables and schedules.

M&E Contract State Responsibilities 

  • Draft initial contract and amendments to the M&E contract.
  • Administer the M&E contract.
  • Submit task orders (TO) on behalf of the User Group to the M&E contractor.
  • Submit APDs and updates as required.
  • Receive and disburse funds.
  • Retains ultimate responsibility for M&E contract.

PMO Contract State Responsibilities 

  • Administer the PMO contract on behalf of the User Group.
  • Submit APDs and updates as required.
  • Receive and disburse funds.

United States Department of Agriculture FNS Responsibilities 

  • Provide input, review and approve APDs and related documents.
  • Communicate regulatory/mandatory changes affecting the System and Crossroads User Group.
  • Provide an ex officio member to the ESC with the authority to provide advice on behalf of FNS and respond to the User Group.
  • Coordinate with ESC on matters of Charter compliance by member SAs as requested by the ESC.
  • Coordinate with ESC on matters relating to SAs applying for membership in the User Group.
  • Provide funding for PMO if available.

 AWG Responsibilities 

  • Represent SA interest in procurement actions.
  • Coordinate with SA procurement SMEs to facilitate creation of User Group contracts.
  • Assist with drafting and reviewing contract documents.
  • May participate or assist in the source selection.

M&E Contractor Responsibilities 

  • Exclusively maintain System source code.
  • Maintain the System source code, supporting current release and two previous versions of the System in production.
  • Actively promote transparency, cooperation, and collaboration in all interactions with the Crossroads User Group stakeholders.
  • Participate on the CCB as a non-voting member.
  • Administer defect-tracking process.
  • Ensure all System documentation is current and accurate, including Detailed Functional Design Documents (DFDDs), Detailed Technical Specifications (DTS), Configuration Document and User Manuals.