Crossroads User Group

The WIC Program State Agency Model (SAM) is an FNS initiative to plan, develop, and deploy model management information systems (MIS) in WIC state agencies (SAs).

The Crossroads State Consortium (XRSC) was created in response to the SAM initiative for designing, building, and implementing new WIC information systems nationwide. The Consortium consisting of 4 states, Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia, awarded a contract to Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) in 2009 to build a SAM system.

In January of 2017, the Crossroads User Group (XRUG) was formed.  The founding member SAs are Alabama, Virginia, and West Virginia.  They all have fully implemented the Crossroads WIC MIS.  The XRUG has established the process used to maintain and enhance the XR system. The XRUG is the vehicle used to support all members including new SAs once XR implementation has taken place for them. Additional membership is expected and welcomed by the UG.

The XRUG plays a key role in both managing the XR System as a Product, and  maintaining SA states’ membership and participation in its’ processes and activities.  The XRUG SAs, together with the support of the M&E Contractor and Product Management Office (PMO), are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the product as well as the viability of its use.  The role of the PMO is one of support to the XRUG its structure has been established by the XRUG Charter.