
The Crater Health District has a number of programs and services designed to protect the health and wellbeing of families. Our goal is to help protect your family’s health.



Administrative Services

Vital Records
Vital Records services are provided each day 8:30-11:45 a.m. and 1:00-4:30 p.m. at each health department location, except on the first Friday of each month when no vital records services will be provided. Provides information and forms to utilize in securing birth certificates and establishments of paternity. Certified copies of death certificates for deaths occurring in the city/county are provided at a cost of $12 per copy. Birth certificates can be obtained through the Office of Vital Records in Richmond. There is a $12 charge per copy.

Voter Registration
Applications for voter registration are available at all health department locations. Assistance in completing the form is provided, if requested. Completed forms are given to the County Registrar on a regular basis.

Clinical Services

In person clinic services have changed and are now scheduled by appointment only. Please contact your local health department (804) 469-3771 for current scheduling and on-site services. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Family Planning
The Family Planning program’s goal is to assist women and men with the decision to have children and if so, how many and how far apart they want to space them. Family Planning clinics are available at each health department.
Services include a physical exam, a pap smear, a check for sexually transmitted infections, a discussion of birth
control, treatment of minor vaginal disorders and the contraceptive method of choice. Services are provided at all
health department locations.

Online Resources

VDH Division of Immunization
Find information on child and adult immunizations, school immunization requirements, vaccine recommendations for international travel and healthcare workers.

Immunization Schedule – Children from Birth through 6 Years Old

Immunization Schedule – Preteens and Teens (7-18 Years Old)

Immunization Schedule – Adults

VDH Office of Family Health Services
Provides information on programs that focus on strengthening the health of families and communities, plus risk avoidance tips and information on how certain issues affect public health.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
VDH’s WIC homepage. Find additional information on eligibility, services, and resources available.

HealthSpace Teen Clinic
HealthSpace is a collaboration between CHD, the Cameron Foundation, and the John Randolph Foundation. It serves the teen population within the District with a special focus on the teens within Petersburg and Hopewell. Education sessions and counseling are provided in Petersburg and Hopewell Public Schools. The Health Space health educator and clinic nurse counsel teens < 19 years of age regarding; safe sex, sexual coercion, healthy relationships, self esteem, career counseling, and hygiene. Additionally, this program includes clinical services, providing contraception methods, pregnancy testing, referrals for pregnancies, STI testing and treatment, and sports physicals. Clinical services are offered by appointment and on a walk‐in basis at the Petersburg and Hopewell Health Department. Sports physicals are by appointment only.

HealthSpace Teen Clinic Makes Strides in Reducing Teen Pregnancy

Immunizations—Child and Adult
Immunizations services for children and adults are available at each health department.  We offer immunizations that are required for entry into school, which includes Tdap boosters for entry to the 6th grade.  Clinics for influenza immunizations are provided during autumn months and adult immunizations for tetanus, Hepatitis B, and other routine immunizations are provided throughout the year. Services are provided at all health department locations.

Maternity Services
Crater offers full service maternity care clinics with a nurse practitioner to qualifying mothers. Services are provided at all health department locations.

Nursing Home Pre-admission Screenings
Screenings are performed for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. Requests for screenings need to be made through the Department of Social Services (DSS). An in-home assessment is performed by a health department registered nurse and a social worker. Contact your local Department of Social Services for an appointment.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
Testing and treating of sexually transmitted infections is provided at all local health department locations. Confidential HIV testing and counseling also is available. Testing of sexually transmitted infections based on condition, may be chargeable and/or billed to insurance. See here or call your local health department for questions about billing.

Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program
WIC’s goal is to improve the health of pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children (under 5 years) through better nutrition and access to health care. The program is funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture and operated in Virginia through the Virginia Department of Health. The program provides screening and referrals to other health, welfare and social service agencies, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support as well as supplemental nutritious foods. To be eligible for the WIC Program, applicants must meet categorical, residential, income and nutrition risk requirements.

Health Preventative Services

Child Passenger Safety
The Child Passenger Safety Program focuses on promoting proper safety seat restraint use for children until they transition to the vehicle safety belt (approximately birth through nine years of age), increasing risk perception and correct usage of child restraints among parents and caregivers through outreach and education, providing proper installation education and addressing the barriers that prohibit access to safety devices. Crater’s program is based out of the Petersburg Health Department, call to apply and schedule a training appointment.

Healthy Start Loving Steps
This Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant‐funded home visiting program is offered through the City of Petersburg Health Department and strives to reduce infant mortality and low birth weights among African‐American adult women (aged 20‐40). The Loving Steps team is comprised of nurses, dieticians, community outreach workers. This team provides intensive case management, care coordination, and works to get women into prenatal care within their 1st trimester. Program clients are screened for medical, nutritional, social, economic, and environmental risks. The Healthy Start program also reviews causes of fetal deaths, infant deaths, and low weight births in order to improve future birth outcomes. For more information about Loving Steps, please visit the Loving Steps webpage or call the Petersburg Health Department at 804-863-1652.

Last Updated: March 14, 2025