VDH OEP Weekly Situation Update

Key Takeaways

  • COVID-19 surveillance indicates a slow sustained decline. COVID-like illness visits, and emergency department (ED) diagnoses, are now at rates not seen since late August.
  • COVID-19 hospital admissions rates have also decreased. Models suggest this trend will continue into November.
  • RSV rates continue a slow upward tick in Virginia. ED diagnoses and RSV detections have doubled since September. Overall rates are still low, but RSV has surged in the Southeastern states.
  • Federal security agencies noted an increased risk of attacks associated with the conflict in the middle east, emphasizing potential lone wolf attacks on Jewish, Muslim, and Arab communities. Sometimes rowdy protests related to the conflict have occurred nationally.

VDH OEP Weekly Situation Update.

VDH Surveillance Data Update.

This page updates weekly on Friday by 5:00 PM.

The VDH OEP Weekly Situation Update is produced by the VDH Office of Emergency Preparedness. This update covers ongoing or potential public health and emergency preparedness issues, including COVID-19. This product is intended to enhance situational awareness among the public health, healthcare, and emergency management communities. Some items covered may pose little or no threat to the public at large. These items are included for situational awareness only and do not represent an endorsement of the source or information therein.