Measles Updates for Virginia 

Measles Updates for Virginia 

 March 12, 2025 


Dear Colleague:  

This letter provides important updates and reminders about measles.  

The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) recently reported that a confirmed case of measles travelled through Dulles International Airport (IAD) on March 5, 2025 while infectious. The confirmed case was a person who was returning from international travel. The Maryland Department of Health reported an additional exposure location in Maryland associated with this case. Anyone who might have been exposed to this case and is at risk of developing measles is asked to watch for symptoms until March 26, 2025.  

Virginia clinicians are asked to stay alert for measles given this recent exposure event and other ongoing measles outbreaks in the United States. These reminders are echoed in a recent Health Advisory from the Centers of Disease Prevention and Control (CDC). It is critical that clinicians remain vigilant for cases of febrile rash that could be consistent with measles, particularly in unvaccinated persons.   

Vaccination provides the best protection against measles. To prevent measles infection and spread, make sure that patients are up to date on recommended measles vaccines, especially before international travel, regardless of destination. With spring and summer travel approaching, this is a critical time for clinicians to emphasize the importance of preventing the spread of measles through vaccination. People six through eleven months of age who will be traveling internationally, or to an outbreak setting, should receive one dose of MMR vaccine prior to travel. Infants who get one dose of MMR vaccine before their first birthday should still get two more doses after one year of age (one dose at 12 through 15 months of age and another dose separated by at least 28 days).   

VDH Recommendations for Providers  

Consider measles in patients with fever and a generalized maculopapular rash who have recently traveled out of the country or to regions of the United States reporting measles outbreaks. Other symptoms include cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis.   

If you suspect measles:   

  • Isolate: Immediately isolate the patient in a single-patient airborne infection isolation room (AIIR), or in a private room with a closed door until an AIIR is available. Patients with suspected measles should not stay in the waiting room or other common areas of a healthcare facility. 
  • Test: Submit a nasopharyngeal (NP) swab in VTM for PCR testing and a blood specimen for serology testing at the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) following instructions for specimen collection and handling. Test results are available in less than 24 hours. 

This is also an important time for all healthcare facilities to prepare and develop a plan for measles prevention and control. This plan should include considerations for: 

  • Timely screening and recognition of patients with measles-like illness, especially in unvaccinated or partially vaccinated patients.  
  • Implementation of effective Standard and Airborne Precautions including personal protective equipment for the staff (fit-tested N95 respirator) and source control (facemask) for the patient. 
  • Staff immunity awareness to ensure healthcare systems can rapidly retrieve employee’s immunization status in case of exposures and offer postexposure prophylaxis when indicated. The MMR vaccine is recommended to all healthcare workers who do not have documented evidence of measles immunity. 
  • Effective environmental cleaning and disinfection procedures. 
  • Preparedness to test for measles, including having clear instructions and necessary supplies for measles virus PCR and serology specimen collection and submission for testing at DCLS.

Please visit VDH’s Measles Information for Healthcare Providers for more information about measles.  

Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping Virginians safe and healthy.    


Karen Shelton, MD
State Health Commissioner 

Last Updated: March 12, 2025