Bioterrorism Plans & Training

Plans and Protocols

1. The City of Chesapeake writes and develops an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to establish the legal and organizational basis for operations in response to any type of disaster or large-scale emergency situation.
2. In addition to the Health Department’s assignments and responsibilities in the City EOP, the Health Department has developed its EOP for detailed agency responses to specific hazards.


1. VA Training web address
2. MRC Training web address
3. FEMAraining web address
4. ICS forms


Defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. These agents are typically found in nature, but it is possible that they could be changed to increase their ability to cause disease, make them resistant to current medicines, or to increase their ability to be spread into the environment. Biological agents can be spread through the air, through water, or in food. Terrorists may use biological agents because they can be extremely difficult to detect and do not cause illness for several hours to several days. Some bioterrorism agents, like the smallpox virus, can be spread from person to person and some, like anthrax, can not.”

1. Frequently asked questions-
2. Resources:

  • Virginia Department of Health-
  • Department of Homeland Security – Bioterrorism Information and Preparedness
  • Department of Homeland Security – National Response Plan
  • American Red Cross – Terrorism Preparedness
  • The American Medical Association’s – Bioterrorism: Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Food and Drug Administration – Drug Preparedness and Response to Bioterrorism (information on antibiotics and dosage)
  • Environmental Protection Agency – Water Security
  • National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health Medline Plus – Biodefense and Bioterrorism

3. Anthrax fact sheet-
4. Small pox fact sheet-
5. Radiological emergencies-

Isolation & Quarantine

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in order to contain the spread of a contagious illness, public health authorities rely on many strategies. Two of these strategies are isolation and quarantine. Both are common practices in public health, and both aim to control exposure to infected or potentially infected persons. Both may be undertaken voluntarily or compelled by public health authorities. The two strategies differ in that isolation applies to persons who are known to have an illness, and quarantine applies to those who have been exposed to an illness but who may or may not become ill.

Frequently asked questions –
Resources for Attorneys –

Hurricane Preparedness and Personal/Family disaster planning

According to the National Hurricane Center, history teaches that a lack of hurricane awareness and preparation are common threads among all major hurricane disasters. By knowing your vulnerability and what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane disaster. The goal of Hurricane Preparedness is to inform the public about the hurricane hazards and provide knowledge which can be used to take ACTION. Information can be used to save lives at work, home, while on the road, or on the water.

1. Individual and family planning check lists-

2. Suggested contents of a disaster kit-
3. How to protect your pets –
4. Web address for American Red Cross-
5. Local American Red Cross web address-
6. Web address for FEMA –
7. Web address for National Hurricane site –
8. Special Information from the March of Dimes

Preparing for Disasters: Special Information for People Caring for Infants or Newborns
Preparing for Disasters: Special Information for Pregnant Women

Chesapeake’s Pandemic Influenza Task Force

In preparation for a possible influenza pandemic, the Chesapeake Health Department’s major role for supporting the citizens of Chesapeake is prevention and education. Specifically, how to prevent the spread of influenza, what “social distancing” means and its importance for disease containment, caring for their loved ones in the home, and where they can find updated, accurate information when the pandemic arrives. In addition, the health department encourages businesses and every department in the city to develop Continuity of Operation Plans (COOPs) to ensure stability of operations during the length of the pandemic.

  1. How to prevent the spread of influenza germs; if an influenza pandemic occurs, there will not be a vaccine available for some time, so the only way to slow infection rates is for the community to know how to avoid spreading the germs.
  2. The community needs to know what “social distancing” means and its importance for disease containment.
  3. The community needs to be educated about caring for their loved ones at home if all possible to avoid congestion of treatment facilities for those who truly need advanced care.
  4. The community needs to know where they can find updated, accurate information when the pandemic arrives.

Much of this is accomplished through the Chesapeake’s Pandemic Influenza Task Force. The following organizations are represented in this Task Force:
American Red Cross; Chesapeake General Hospital; City Departments; CERT, City Volunteer Coordinator; Community Services, Human Resources,; Human Services; Office of Emergency Management; Police Department, Public Communications, Public Schools; Home Health Care agencies; Health Department Director, Planner, and Epidemiologist; as well as local businesses.

Chesapeake would also like to encourage other local individuals/entities to join our Task Force, such as a Medical Practice Managers, Acute Care Facilities, Funeral Directors, and any other business representatives are all welcome to help make Chesapeake a more disaster resistant community.

For more information, please contact Robert Rendin, Emergency Planner, at
757-382-8654 or

Chesapeake’s Pandemic Influenza Task Force Initiatives:

  1. Participated in outreach initiative- Spring Festival 2006 (gave away t-shirts, hand sanitizers and Z-cards)
  2. General Pan Flu educational brochures and logo bags have been purchased
  3. Development and purchase of Pan Flu Care Giving Kits and home care instructional brochure
  4. Participated in Pan Flu Regional Summit
  5. Pan Flu Table-Top Exercise (TTX) involving the city’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
  6. Several presentations to local businesses from the Director and Emergency Planner

The Task Force is committed to:

  1. Development of a physician sub-committee to help facilitate the coordination of local docs’ health services during the pandemic
  2. Development of physician staffed medical “nodes” in the community
  3. LHD will encourage local businesses will have developed their own Continuity of Operation Plans (COOP)
  4. LHD will support businesses in educating their own employees about individual and group preparedness as well as the importance of disease prevention.

Pandemic Influenza Task Force Membership
The following organizations are represented:

  • American Red Cross
  • Chesapeake General Hospital (8)
  • City Departments
  • CERT
  • City Volunteer Coordinator
  • Community Services
  • Human Resources
  • Human Services
  • Office of Emergency Management
  • Police Department
  • Public Communications
  • Public Schools

Home Health Care

  • ComfortCare Home Health & Hospice Services
  • Gentiva (home health)
  • Heartland Home Health Care and Hospice

Health Department

  • Director
  • Planner
  • Epidemiologist
  • MRC

Local Businesses

  • ILC
  • Jo-Kell, Inc.
  • Lockheed Martin

Pan flu vs. Seasonal flu-

Pan Flu plans (HHS, State, Chesapeake)




Frequently asked questions regarding Pandemic Influenza-

Additional Links

Chesapeake Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI)

The Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) is a pilot program to aid cities in increasing their capacity to deliver medicines and medical supplies during a large-scale public health emergency such as a bioterrorism attack or a nuclear accident. Twenty cities and the District of Columbia have been chosen to participate in this pilot program and were chosen based on their population and geographic location. This planned pilot program is a part of our ongoing work to ensure readiness; it is not a response to a specific threat. The pilot program aims to ensure that plans from all levels of government (federal, state and local) will be unified to ensure a consistent, effective and timely response to catastrophic events.

1. Information about CRI (CDC)

2. CRI meeting minutes 2006 (stakeholders and regional meetings)

3. CRI Tutorial/Training program. Download and run program.


Last Updated: May 4, 2017