Sewage & Well


The following applications may be printed, filled out and submitted to your local health department:

Records Search

Please complete this form if you are interested in obtaining records for your sewage disposal system and/or private well. The completed form should be returned to your local health department office so that the search can be performed.

Record Search Form

Find a Service Provider

Below is a list of service providers in the area.

Service Provider List
Private Sector Information

Private Wells

All private wells use ground water. It is important that private groundwater wells are inspected regularly to ensure that the water is safe to consume. If polluted ground water is consumed, it could cause illness. The resources below provide more information.

Well Regulations

Private Well Regulations
12 VAC 5-630-10 et seq. : Effective August 16, 2012
(Forms and Supplementary Documents)

Description: The Private Well regulations contain the site and construction criteria for private (non public) wells used for residential, small business, and irrigations wells (including heat pump wells).
Private Well Water Information

Fee Regulations
12 VAC 5-620-10 et seq. : Effective July 1st, 1989
*Direct Link to PDF
(Forms and Supplementary Documents)

Additional Resources



The Virginia Legislative Information System (LIS) is the website of the General Assembly of Virginia. Here you can look up the Constitution of Virginia and the Code of Virginia, as well as track bills and resolutions when the General Assembly is in session. The regulations listed below are linked to the LIS � Virginia Administrative Code website.

To create a printed version of regulations from the Virginia Administrative Code website, create a report according to their instructions. If you enter an email address, the report will be sent by email. If you leave the email address blank and hit return, a report containing the sections you specify will appear on your screen. Use File>Print from your browser to print the report.

Alternative Discharging Sewage Treatment Regulations
12 VAC 5-640-10 et seq. : Effective July July 30th, 1992
*Direct Link to PDF
(Forms and Supplementary Documents)
Description: Here you will find the site and performance criteria for residential systems that discharge to state waters, intermittent streams, and dry ditches.

Alternative Onsite Sewage System Regulations
12 VAC 5-613: Effective December 7, 2011
*Direct Link to PDF
(Forms and Supplementary Documents)
Description: These are the performance requirements and horizontal setbacks that are necessary to protect public health for alternative onsite sewage systems (AOSSs). The regulations also contain owner and operator responsibilities for operating and maintaining AOSSs.

Sewage Collection and Treatment (SCAT) Regulations
(Forms and Supplementary Documents)
Description: The SCAT Regulations govern most municipal and large flow systems. They also contain requirements for system design, operation, and maintenance not contained in Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations.

Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations
12 VAC 5-610-10 et seq. : Effective as amended November 22, 2012
*Direct Link to PDF
(Forms and Supplementary Documents)
Description: These regulations that govern septic systems, alternative onsite systems, privies (including composting and incinerating toilets), and sitting, design and construction standards for residential and commercial onsite sewage treatment and dispersal systems.

Fee Regulations
12 VAC 5-620-10 et seq. : Effective July 1st, 1989
*Direct Link to PDF
(Forms and Supplementary Documents)

Additional Resources

GMPs (Policy)
Technical Resources


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Last Updated: April 28, 2022