Healthy Brain Virginia

The Healthy Brain Virginia Program is an important initiative dedicated to addressing the public health challenges posed by Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Supported by a five-year cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act, the Healthy Brain Virginia Program is committed to promoting brain health and providing robust support to those impacted by ADRD.  

Program Objectives 

Health Infrastructure imageThe primary objectives of the Healthy Brain Virginia Program are:  

  1. Enhancing Public Health Infrastructure: Strengthen the capacity of public health departments to effectively respond to ADRD challenges through improved infrastructure.  
  2. Expanding and Improving ADRD Response: Employ a public health approach to address ADRD, with a strong emphasis on health equity and the social determinants of health.  
  3. Raising Awareness and Educating Communities: Conduct community outreach, education, and screening efforts to increase awareness about brain health and empower individuals with knowledge to make informed health decisions.  
  4. Supporting Caregivers: Provide tailored resources and support services for caregivers, ensuring they are equipped to manage the complexities of ADRD care.  
  5. Ensuring Equitable Access to Care: Advocate for and facilitate access to ADRD care and resources across diverse and underserved communities.  
  6. Utilizing Data for Improvement: Collect, analyze, and use data to enhance understanding, plan strategically, and implement effective ADRD priorities and interventions.  

Through these focused efforts, the Healthy Brain Virginia Program aims to create a healthier future for all Virginians by promoting brain health, supporting those affected by ADRD, and ensuring equitable access to care and resources. 

Brain Health Events