Hotels & Bed and Breakfasts

A hotel or motel is by definition any place offering to the public for compensation transitory lodging or sleeping accommodations, overnight or otherwise, including but not limited to facilities commonly known as hotels, motels, travel lodges, tourist homes, or hostels and similar facilities by whatever name called which consist of two or more lodging units.

A Bed and Breakfast (B&B) facility is defined as a residential type establishment that provides two or more rental accommodations and food service on any single day to a maximum of 18 transient guests for a period of five or more days in any calendar year or any residential type of facility providing at least one rental accommodation for transient guests and food service for a total of 30 or more days in any calendar year.  Operator must apply for a permit by completing the Application for Hotel Operation Permit and submit along with a $40 annual fee to the local EH office where the facility is located (EH locality contact list).

Applying for a Permit for a New or Remodeled Hotel, Motel, or Bed and Breakfast Facility

Operators who plan to construct or extensively remodel a tourist establishment must submit an Application for Hotel Operation Permit and Application for Hotel Plan Review.  Please submit along with an $80 fee to the local EH office where the facility is located (EH locality contact  list). Plan reviews are designed to address basic construction and planning aspects of the future tourist lodging operation.

Change of Owner of Permitted Hotels, Motels, and B&B Tourist Lodging 

All change of owner and new owners of a permitted hotel, motel, or B&B that has been previously approved by the Blue Ridge Health District must apply for a permit before operating by completing the Application for Hotel Operation Permit and submit along with a $40 annual renewal fee (EH locality contact list). Include a copy of your business license and certificate of occupancy with your application. New owners will also need to obtain food permits and swimming pool permits, if applicable.

Existing Permit Renewal

Owners of all operating hotels, motels and B&B establishments will receive a yearly invoice and are required to submit a Application for Hotel Operation Permit along with a $40 annual renewal fee (EH locality contact list). Permits will be issued to the owner and will receive routine inspection.



Last Updated: August 21, 2024